Romantique Princess

Saturday, December 1, 2007

There's still bout 3 more weeks to Christmas and i got my early Christmas gift from Mumsie already. I vaguely remember seeing this pretty bag somewhere before but i just can't seem to recall where i saw it. But anyway, i'm lovin' this pretty bag and i'm planning to keep it for Christmas. Okay, maybe for Cheena New Year (:

Whilst the boyfriend is busy grinding hot babes at Zouk, i shall stuff myself silly with homemade caramel popcorn and Romantic Princess.

Looking at Wu Zun and Angela reminds me of my B like totally. Not that we're rich kids like they are in the show, but Baby sure teases me major like how Wu Zun teases Angela. Anyhoots, the more i look at Angela, the more i love her curls. They are so so so gorgeous. Just like my dream curls !! But my stupid hair is so short now, how to curl !!

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