Mustard vs Silver

Friday, October 5, 2007

I had fun yesterday, spending quality time over at Farrer Park with my love. Like yours truly finally got to see her Baby after not being able to meetup for near a week.

Had late lunch (Table Rag Bak Chor Mee) at the market, bought chips and hambuger candies, and i went snacking away (Screw diet for once) while watching I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Movie was really funny and both the loverboy and myself had our fair share of good laugh. And and not forgeting, gay love wins (:

And today saw me sneaking into Veracia's Ineffabilis where i came across this cute doll maker thing and of course, i made one to represent myself. It's a pity that they don't have metal teeth mouth ): And i know it does not quite look like me, but she's got thick brows and lips, like yours truly, I LIKEY (:

And so, Mummy's getting me one of these for my birthday. But the thing is, both fits me perfectly well !! Left, Mustard PollyPocket Dress. Right, Silver Sequined Collared PollyPocket Tunic. They are a tad too overrated though, costed SGD75 and SGD65 respectively. And i'm considering asking Mummy to give it a pass. So guys, decide for me please ? Poll will end tomorrow (Saturday) at 12 midnight, so quickie !!

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